I just finished last coat on the fiberglass bottom of my driftboat. Let me just say that using the West Systems epoxies is the way to go. The pump system that you buy meters the epoxy in the correct proportions, and is practically foolproof, unless you forget how many pumps you are into a pot.

I had some good help in the form of Osprey and FS. Yes, KC showed up, but then again, the boat wasn't on the water. wink Thanks guys. You made the project go a lot easier AND quicker.

Here are a few photos. First, the bottom just after wetting out the 10oz fiberglass cloth. That is just glare in the top center, not an epoxy starved area.

Here are a few shots of the bottom after the first topcoat of epoxy mixed with powdered graphite. First the side.....

Then the bow...

The drips you see are on a sheet of painters plastic. A smart move.

One nice surpise, the folks where I ordered the 10oz fiberglass fabric doubled my order, so I have about 14.5 feet of extra 10oz cloth, 50 inches wide, that I will sell for a bargain.

The whole process was a lot easier than I thought, so if you are considering it, go ahead and do it. While I'm not an expert, I'd be happy to share my experience with you. Gotta pass it on, the Karma thing and all. Osprey earned some today, as well as FS. They didn't have to do it, but they did anyway.

I'll post a pic of the bottom without the painter's plastic with all of the drips. I may even paint the sides tomorrow.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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