was over on the Oly Pen this week elk huntin,after the morning hunt on wed,my father in law and I went on a sight seeing trip to where the Hoh pours into the Pac. as he had not been there before. On the way down there we were passed by a large maroon F-250. When we got to the end of the road the same truck was parked there with a man and a women near by.The man had a wet suit on, and waved us over,when we stopped he told us to get the *%#^ off the reservation, that we were no good road hunters. When I POLITLY told him we were just sight seeing,he became enraged and cussed us with talk that would make a sailor blush.Not wanting a confrontation we left. Just prior to leaving I looked down in the river and saw at least 3 nets. On the way out we stopped at the tribal center and spoke to a man who said he was not a tribal member but was hired to be the executor of the reservation, he assured us we did nothing wrong and said he would drive down there to investigate,we left. My questions: were the nets there legally(wed.6th), was the man pulling the nets? and was that the reason for the sour attitude? one thing I forgot to mention the man did not look indian and the women was not indian,and who else can I take this complaint to as this man was exceptionally rude to us for no reason