Yesterday I took my friend Josh out the maiden voyage of the "Dogfish".

I had rowed a DB before, once, so we decided to choose an easy river for our float. About 3 minutes in the river, "CRRRRRRRRRUNCH!!!" Going down a spot of shallow water I found the one rock that was sticking up higher than the rest. Thankfully I had installed that aluminum chine! The scratch was only on the aluminum.

Josh started us off with this one.

Then a nice bright buck.

And finally I got to catch one

The boat tracked very well, I don't need to adjust the setup too much, , just a few things like the gun rack, heater and cooler placement need to be addressed. My arms are a bit sore, but I had a great time rowing my project boat down the river for the first time.

Thanks to all for the encouragement throughout the project, and thanks to Tom who gave the boat to me in the first place.

Dogfish out.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.