Of all the advice columnists that write for The Daily Caller, Matt Labash is far and away the most beloved. He is also our only semi-regular advice columnist. And boy does he have advice for Washington journalists writing books about the 2012 campaign trial: Don't. He writes:

"But all the shop talk aside, I’d still suggest you go fishing. Your friend is a Democrat? Who cares? Fish are apolitical. Which is one of the many reasons they’re more desirable company than 95 percent of the people you meet in Washington. (Two more reasons fish trump people: fish can neither talk, nor check their iPhones during lunch.) And not to rain on your deadline parade, but ask yourself what you’d be passing up fishing in order to do. To write a book about the 2012 presidential campaign? We lived through the 2012 presidential campaign, and we could barely stand to read about it as it was happening. How much crueler to expect us to sit through it all again when we already know how the movie ends."
Agendas kill truth.
If it's a crop, plant it.