In light of some of the comments lately I decided to post this in it's own thread. Not easy to watch unless you are an Alex Jones Nutjob

It details how Alex Jones went from a loudmouth bullshitter to helping get Trump elected. Not a flattering view of he or Roger Stone. Stone of course if much brighter than Jones and has always been a major manipulator, and Jones with his spittle rhetoric was easy to get onboard.

Truth is whatever you can make people believe.

I see now where Rich G. gets a lot of his B.S.

It is a Frontline show from last week.

Check it out,
She sits on the dock a fishin' in the water uh, huh
I don't know her name she's the fisherman's daughter uh, huh
Come on down to my boat baby
Come on down where we can play
Come on down to my boat baby
Come on down we'll sail away.