RichG has to be in a froth by now.....

Sorry Rich, by my vote still goes out to Russia. They have infiltrated BookFace, InstaTard, Twatter, DorkChat, Tic Tac Toe and all other forms of social media you all eat up at a furious pace. Add in nutjobs like Rich and the dumb just keep spreading the Fake News to the more dumb like T-Rumps merry band of Ballwashers.

T-Rump and the US have been played from the get go. We are flat out being owned by Pooty-Poot and he's probably laughing his arse off right now hoping that his plan worked and that us 'muricans really are too stupid and do end up engaging in some form of violence here in the coming days.

Sadly, it would see, most 'mericans are too stoopid to realize just how stooped they truly are and are completely brain dead zombie biatches to social media and the Internet.

Sadly, this is no longer a political thing. No longer a Left vs Right thing.

This is just pure Idiocracy at it's finest.
Tule King Paker