Gave up T.V for about three years, started back up about 6 mos or so. It's amazing how many more crazy reality shows are on now. The phoniest is this family in Alaska that howl like wolves and is a good example that incest is not a good thing. I've seen maybe 6 shows, and it gets dumber by the show. I read somewhere that the family actually lives in Hoonah and only goes to the woods to shoot footage. One of those kids was busted for buying meth in town.The landlord of the house said they left the place a mess with garbage all over the place and damages. It's like a bad accident, I have to peek time to time. grin Who else has seen this show?
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.