Looks like the Trumpster is doing exactly what he promised he would not do during his campaign.

He fires 60 Tomahawks at a Syrian airbase based on either a bombing of a rebel weapons depot which unknowingly contained chemical weapons or a strait up false flag. What we found out is that the Russian Jammers were able to send over half the Tomahawks off course rendering them useless without even firing a single Surface to air missile from the S300 and S400 anti aircraft systems. What that tells you is that if the US was to send manned aircraft into Syrian airspace they are going to be successful for roughly 1.25 missions before being shot down. It takes roughly 100 successful missions to pay for a single combat aircraft. @ 1.25 successful air missions per aircraft you might as well pack up your toys and go home.

Plans are being made to remove Assad, part of that plan is to destroy Syrian air capability which means one of two things; either Rex convinces the Russians to abandon their interests, pack up their toys and go home or the first US strike is an attempt to render the anti aircraft systems useless. By doing so the US has to directly engage the Russian military and declare war against Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.

None of these armies can sustain a long war with us together or individually, but with Russian technology they are an even match for a few months at least. The United States only has one true advantage in armed conflict with this group of enemies, which is its huge Navy giving it the ability to take the fight to the enemy. The US military is built to "project Power" against nations that don't have nuclear weapons or stealth Submarine technology.

Nukes and subs are the great equalizer, if we do go into a big conflict Russia will destroy our Navy in a very short time to level the playing field. Its an easy task for them. Russia has done much more extensive Nuke testing and has spent most of its military effort to render our Navy useless and to build much more advanced nuclear capabilities, anti aircraft capabilities, combat aircraft and Nuke bobbers. Russia is built so that an enemy has to take the fight to them.

North Korea; currently the Carl Vinson battle group is on its way to the Korean Peninsula and China has sent 150,000 ground troops to its North Korean Boarder. This happens right after Trump Meets with the Chinese president. Don't be surprised if North Korea takes out the entire Carl Vinson battle group if they are attacked in any way. All North Korea has to do is get a stealth Sub within range to fire a Nuke Torpedo under the Battle group and its all over. Entire battle group gone in a blink of an eye.

Our news media and government is attempting to provoke world war. Just look at the evidence, its crystal clear....