"This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak perfection looks like".

Name: NapD90
Pronouns: Betelgeuse, Dvmbfuck, Attack Helicopter
Age: 44
Sex: Yes please
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: ~175. ~168 after a good poop.
Body Type: Case hardened steel
Education: Master of Bation in Engineering
Likes: Chinese hookers, long walks on the beach, sunsets, Barry Manilo & GWAR, cooking, eating food, sportsball, fishin', huntin', outdoors, biking, skiing and sailing on my 52' Sloop around my private island
Dislikes: All of you. Ethnic Chinese food, corona virus, Colorado Buffalos, Betty White and so called "experts"
Looking for: A heartbeat and a positive, can-do sammich making attitude.

Todd caught this fish. I'm just holding it for him. Pre-beard

"I'm Lumberjack and I work all day..." Also pre-beard

A secret river Avid once told me about.

A Ding-a-Ling and a nice fish


All rutted up and stinky!

The Cromest of Domes. No Elk were harmed in the making of this pic - or any other time for that matter.
“If the military were fighting for our freedom, they would be storming Capitol Hill”. – FleaFlickr02