I was looking at the G Loomis Web site, checking out the New 1143C IMX rod that they recently placed on the market. After reading the details, I decided that I wanted one. So I called my local Tackle Store and requested one. He said, no problem and put one away with my name on it. I later go purchase the rod and without question I am on my way. After getting home I notice that the reel seat is one that I didn't expect. Closer examination revealed that it was not the handle and reel seat that was used in the Rods description on their Web site. Hum, now somethings not right with this deal. rolleyes I began to inquire about why I didn't have the Loomis type 94 handle which was indicated and I expected and instead uses the type 12 handle which I don't like. This type handle just doesn't do it for me. Plastic and cork under that much tention from the large Shimano Reel seats sometimes splits the plastic in the corners of the reel seat's front clamp. I love the type 94 handles because they fit my hands perfectly and they don't fatique as fast, as well as me. Don't get me wrong, I love my Loomis Rods, have many and will continue to use them, but here is the Rub.

After getting back to my long time friend that works at the local Tackle store, I learn that I new a few things about this Rod that they were not aware of. First, they didn't realize that they were misrepresenting the 1143C IMX as having the Type 94 handle on it's Web site. Second, the tackle store also noticed the same error in it's catalogs. Lucky me, I have a good relationship with this store and they did everything they could to get me the Rod the I initially wanted. After they checked into it, the only thing they (G Loomis) could say is that the factory only build's the Rods with the type 12 handle as directed and were totally unaware that they were marketing the product with inaccurate details.

Was pleased when my bud said how he stood up for me and My credibility after someone's insinuation that I was just pranking and that it was all made up by me. After they finally indicated that there were Zero in stock of the one (Rod) described on the Web Site and that the only way to get one would be to have it custom made, I decided to go with the 1143C GL3 that does come with the type 94 handle. The difference in the blanks was foreshadowed by my preference for comfort in my choice of handle.

This is not intended to be a flame of G Loomis but illustrates how the best in the business can use ongoing input to improve the flow of business and communication with it's customers.

I was just wondering, how important is the Handle, Grip and reel seat when you choose a Rod off the rack? I prefer to get my Rods pre -assembled. I like the feeling of taking it to my local tackle store when I break one which is not often and saying here it is, give me a call when it's done. I also buy lots of stuff online and most of the time they get it right. Just glad to live in the city where it is easy to get answers.

Anyway do a search and you will see how things got so confused.


What's your favorite Handle and reel seat and match it to your Rod of choice?

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein