Water looked good this morning, nice color, a little low. Started throwing glowballs at 6am and had fish on! after about 20 minutes. Interesting take - the fish took the line upstream, so I first realized it was on because of slack line. Got to feel some nice head shakes and splashing out there in the darkness and then off he came. frown

Daybreak found the bobber fishermen having all the success. I saw about 5 caught until I left at 9:30am. Seems like most anglers are using bobbers at Reiters now. I'm stubborn, even brought my bobber rod with me but just felt like I wanted the satisfaction of feeling that headshake hit.

Oh, the rock I was standing on was... sorry, that's my zipperlip rock. laugh
Mike, Editor
www.washingtonlakes.com "Featuring readers lake and saltwater reports."