Oregon Commission Votes Against Oregon Sportfishing

In a decision that shocked the Sportfishing Industry, thousands of anglers and several Oregon legislators, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to reduce sportfishing in the Columbia River to support a struggling gillnet industry.

The Commission reduced the Spring Chinook sport fishery by up to 28%. Ultimately, they determined that the commercial fleet needed a larger share of the prized sport fish because the netted wild fish cause twice as many mortalities in the commercial fishery than the sport. Wild fish are released from both fisheries, while abundant marked hatchery fish are kept. Nearly twice as many released fish die (18.5%) from the nets as from a sport caught (10%). The rates are even higher for the wild steelhead tangled in the nets.

"This is an outrage to the community that funds OD&FW, funds conservation, and does all the heavy lifting for agency budgets" said Dan Grogan, President of NSIA and President of Fisherman's Marine and Outdoor. "This ruling is a joke in a time when Oregon desperately needs jobs and the state agency needs license dollars. Portland has one of the highest unemployment rates of any city in America!

This curtailed fishery will probably match up with last year, and be reduced to 150,000 trips. We could see a loss of 50,000 trips, or $5 million in economic opportunity.

The commercial net fishery in the Columbia is the last gillnet fishery anywhere in the lower 48 states. The bulk of fresh Columbia River Spring Chinook salmon are sold through terminal fisheries, which have very little impact on ESA listed stocks and through Indian treaty fisheries above Bonneville Dam. Last year, only a few thousand fish were caught in the controversial mainstem net fishery.

Once again the sportfishers are getting screwed by the state !!!! Please call or write to any or all of the following.

Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission 360 902 2448
Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission 503 872 5276
Dr. Jeff Koenings, Director 360 902 2947

Governor Gary Locke 360 753 4110
Governor Ted Kulongoski 360 378 3225
C/O bob.nichols@ofm.wa.gov or nancy.biery@gov.wa.gov

Write a letter to the Fish & Wildlife Commission expressing your support for (600 Capitol Way N #43149, Olympia, WA 98501 1091, Fax 360 902 2947). Tell them to establish effective protocols that help ensure the sport fishery is not damaged by the commercial fishery. Copy your letter to Governor Locke 503 378 3225, and your legislator.

Thank you for your help!