Maybe someone can supply some information about a project that seems to be happening on the Nisqually. It seems that there is some sort of steelhead redd count in the top couple of miles below the diversion. Orange painted rocks are being used to mark individual redd locations. I've spent the last few hours trying to find information, but can't seem to bring up any specifics. I'm not sure exactly who is involved but that is what I would like to find out. Seems like something WDFW or the Nisqually Nation would do. Only other option I thought was the Nisqually River Council.
Any help finding answers is appreciated so I can more fully do my part to help wild steelhead. Judging from locations (marked and un-marked) I'd say a fair amount of fish may be spawning in here now.

P.S heres your example of overharvest by sport anglers not tribal nets.
"A river is remarkably like an elm-tree, and it requires but little imagination to picture it standing upright, with all of its lakes hanging upon its spreading branches, the topmost eighty miles in height.
John Muir