Better yet I believe is for all who are really for the war should go down and voluntarily enlist or if they are too old then to send their
children. Sorta like put your money where your mouth is, or in this case put your children where your mouth is.

Most of the plastic patriot crowd that believes in this war so strongly seem to just want to send someone else to go fight or die. You know like, "I am commited to this war and I believe that it is justified, but I think that YOU should go fight it, etc.". Seems to me that if they really believe in it so strongly that they should be the first ones in line down at the recruiting office.

Maybe if the law was written to take the ones who believe in it first, it would sure take a lot of the bulls**t out of the discussion. F.

Reprinted from Seeing The Forest:

Dave Johnson: 'You're gonna get drafted'
Posted on Saturday, September 18 @ 09:26:29 EDT
The Draft - A Reason to Vote if You're Under 30

By Dave Johnson, Seeing The Forest

You already blew it: You didn't vote last time, or voted for Nader or Bush, and now you're gonna get drafted. There's no way around it now, the draft is almost a certainty.

You're hearing about Reserve and National Guard units being called up, and about people not allowed to leave the military even though their term is up. Have you thought about what this means to you? You KNOW this means they're having trouble finding enough soldiers to go to Iraq, right? Of course Bush doesn't want to start the draft BEFORE the election. Duh! But what do you think happens the day AFTER the election?

I repeat, they are having trouble finding enough soldiers to go to Iraq. Think about it. Right, you're gonna get drafted.

Or, maybe you think they can't do that? Maybe you think the draft doesn't happen in America. Maybe you think they can't just grab your ass up off the street, stick a rifle in your hands and send you off to war? Of course not, that NEVER happens. Right.

WAR. Yes, that word. The word you have been hearing from Bush's lips for months now. "I'm a WAR president", he says. Well, what did you
think war MEANS? Somebody ELSE'S war? Did you think it means you get to watch a TV show with planes and stuff?

No, WAR means young people getting grabbed up off the street and sent off to fight. That. Is. What. War. Is.

And, by the way, women and students are NOT going to be exempt this time. Maybe not even rich kids. ONLY the children of politicians will be exempt. THIS TIME.

So, are you finally ready to do something about it THIS TIME? Which candidate do you think is more likely to grab your ass off the street and send it to Iraq? Which candidate do you think is more likely to start a war with Iran, or Syria, or maybe even North Korea? Like Bush says, we're at war, and that's the issue in this election. Well, THAT'S what you should be thinking about THIS TIME.

So vote. THIS TIME.


Except there's a problem with this message. Young people are so disengaged that there probably aren't very many of them reading
weblogs like this one, so they won't see this. And that means they might not figure this stuff out in time for the election. You have to help them. Take this post and copy it and paste it into an e-mail and send it to someone who is under 30. Or write your own message
explaining what the draft is, and why they should be concerned enough to actually vote. It is important to explain that the draft actually
CAN happen to them. If you're old enough you can tell them from experience.

Reprinted from Seeing The Forest:

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein