I am pretty sure this does not include 95% of those who visit this site but if half of the other 5% listen, then it is better than nothing and I haven't wasted my time.

Ok clean your fish and leave guts, head, eggs, blood and slime on the rocks and the bank ...

Bad things about it:

1- Looks VERY nasty.
2- Slippery and can break someone's legs.
3- Smells, attracts flies, etc.
4- Did I say it is disgusting.
5- Women and children hate it
6- Real men hate it \:D
7- ...

Also don't leave fish eggs on the bank for "other fishermen to use". Thank you but if you think others need bait, let them worry about it.

Clean your fish near water and dump the stuff in the water. It is also good nutrition. I also wash the blood off the rocks but that's me. Leave no TRACE. Also when you have line twist or bird's nest and re-spool, take your old line with you. Is it too heavy for you to put it in your back pocket.

Now how about those who clean the fish in the parking lot. Please use your brain. With all the fish you eat you think its good for the brain. LOL
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson.