So do all you 'enlightened' folks want to Cut-n-Run from Iraq? I ask this because you keep saying the reasons for us going their were because the Bush 43 lied--If that's the case why would you want our troops to stay there? Be honest.

I've asked repeteadly for all of the 'enlightened' liberals (and those who won't admit to being a liberal but champion all their 'enlightened' politics) to provide credible evidence that Bush 43 knowingly lied to the American people to take us to war in Iraq to back up the allegation you keep making that Bush 43 knowingly did so, but I've yet to see any of you substanciate your claim with actual credible evidence. Every time I ask, it's claimed to have already been posted~If you actually have verifible proof that's credible and doesn't just spout off opinion or conjecture you should alert the national press, because they haven't been able to prove what you keep alleging and would love to talk to you.

Having said that, since you believe (without actual reason) that Bush 43 lied to get us into war--does that mean that you don't support our troops who are executing the Conmmander and Chief orders in Iraq?

If you don't agree with our being in Iraq, do you advocate that we Cut-n-Run? I'm asking this specifally and individually to everyone that has alleged that Bush 43 lied to get us into Iraq.

"Yes, I would support raising taxes"--Kanektok Kid