Health concerns forces me to end my boating endeavors. I have lots of stuff to move.I won't load up the bandwidth with pictures but if you are interested I will send one or more in the specific item. #1-Crab Pots/Bouys/Ropes/Fuel-One large hex,One round,two square and 8 bouys…150.00 #2-Lots of Halibut/Ling gear including weights from 10-20oz,numerous jig heads,B2's,Kalins,many plastics and squids,spreaders,hooks…80.00 #3 Gallon salt-away with mixer dispenser…25.00 #4 Anchor-Lift A2 anchor puller/Bouy with river anchor-45.00 #5 Three 10 lb DR Balls …used once…40.00 #6 Various Salmon trolling gear including 3 large and 3 small Hotspot flashers.2kone zones and 2 fish/flash with various (some new)Kingfisher 3.5 spoons and Grandslam buck tails….40.00..I also have lots of salmon jigs 30 or 40 if any one was interested……Thanks Dave