Dang, North wind come up and turnin cold again.....theres one...jerk,reel.....
dang, jerked him outta the water and he froze solid.

Fish #4 The Frosty Icecicle Award.
Goes to the F&G origonater of the idea that it's OK to leave open year
around all the unlisted lakes,plus all the winter lakes, plus all the year
around listed lakes to year long fishing, so the fishhog snowmobilers can
get in without any enforcement oversight and do their thing all over.
Their thing is dragging starving trout up through a 6" ice hole with a
2" rod stiff as a broomhandle (in a sporting manner of course) till their
frozen little hearts are content and their frozen BIG freezers are full.
It's a meat gettin Thang!!!!!

Can't tell ya where I'd suggest putting the Frosty Icecicle Award, but
it's not on your mantle.
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!