Poles bent over.....JerrrrK.....Finally a nice one.....Bigger that those 8" most are gettin....
Hey, it's a JUMBO.

Fish #4 The Jumbo Award
To the Economic Guru who thought it waz OK to spend my liscense dollar feeding
up hatchery planter trout up to 1/2# size at tremendous expense because Bubba still not happy
and gettin too many 8-9"ers. Can't ya see he'll never be happy??? Consider the "Surplus
Salmon and Steelhead Program", the "Net Pen Rearing Program" the "Broodstock Program"
the "Triploid Program"....the still not happy so "Poach the Quality Lakes Program"!!!
Let's say it all together now.....bigger fish, bigger fish, bigger fish,more meat, more meat,more meat.
Anyone up there ever think of closing lakes for a year and letting the LAKE grow bigger fish
for Bubba ifn' he gotta have em. mad
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!