Hey I realize the general techniques for fishing prespawn, spawning, and postspawn bass. But I'm having trouble locating the fish pretty much right now. Anybody know what the fish are doing generally in the Pierce county, King county area. I'm talkin about largemouth bass.
At my lake they aren't in shallow water, that's for sure. I live on a natural lake that is kinda bowl shaped all around and without points. So structure highlights really don't stand out on the depthfinder. I have a really hard time finding the fish in these conditions, I feel lost when I can't see the structure. I think I need to locate fish better. Are bass just as able to bite fast lures at deeper depths then they are to bite slow lures at deeper depths? Even when both are generally in their strike zone.

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot for any type of help. I've read a lot of books on bass fishing, but am having trouble putting it all together, I lack experience and confidence in my presentations