Going back 7 or so years ago, I kinda put my fishing aside knowing that I was going to retire in a few years and I'd be able to fish anytime I wanted and I just focused on my few remaining years of work as a commercial Carpenter. Well we all know what happened and the best laid plans were shot down the toilet buy our state and WSC!
In the mean time, my youngest son, was getting so interested in firearms, I knew that I was gonna have to get involved in hunting so he would have some guidance for proper use of guns, which I've never really had any interest in. So I figured we'd take up hunting and I'd just tag along and help him. We were at Cabelas one day and I got a chance to shot a compound bow for the first time and the moment I released the first shot, I knew I had found a viable replacement for my Steelhead addiction, and I knew that I wasn't just gonna tag along with my son!
So after several thousands of dollars in bows and all the nessasary equipment needed to hunt for both of us, and some things that are not an absolute necessity, (some things are just really cool and I wanted it) we then had to take the hunters course. I didn't have to take it, but being I've never hunted, it wouldn't hurt me to learn more about the sport and I was showing my son that I'm not above learning something new.
So last year was my first year and I found out just how tough this [Bleeeeep!] is! Did alot of driving and scouting on the east side and the only time we saw animals was when we were in the truck, or when we'd pull into my brothers place in Cle Elum where Does and Bucks wonder around his property like they own the place! Of course nothing larger than a 2 point would come around which made the frustration even worst. I never fired a single arrow at an animal last year, but still was up for the game.
This year, after several trips without seeing anything, I was on my way to the Cle Elum area to hunt and as I was driving, I thought to myself, how much could I sell all my hunting gear for cause this [Bleeeeep!] is geting old! On this trip, I learned something I'll never forget.
I was walking a trail and I heard a Coyote howling in the brush not 40 yards from me. I can make a squeking noise by sucking air through my lips and sure enough, here comes this Coyote righ at me and right behind it was a big Doe. The coyote kept going, but the Doe stopped 15 yards from me. I was clearly in the open and the deer was directly down wind from me and she stood there for a good 20 seconds looking around, but never straight at me. I keep myself fully camoed, including my face and sprayed down with sent killer. I couldn't believe see never spooked or figured out I was there. So the thing that stuck in my head, was the sound she made as she trotted towards me. Oh, so you can hear these deer as the walk or run!
So the next week, I was hunting an area within the Issaquah unit and I had walked around for the first hour of daylight before I sat down on a log. It was then that it popped in my head to listen for anything moving. 10 minutes go by and I hear this crunching noise behind me and I turn my head around and 20 yards behind me was a deer! Holy [Bleeeeep!], they do exist! Of course you can guess that my first shot went God knows where and the deer exited, stage right! I got 2 more shots off that day and never stuck anything.
I left them alone the next day, but was back the following day and I parked my ass on my now favorite log. Same thing, 10 mintues and I hear some weird grunt behind me and I slowly turn around to see a Doe. I was able to range the deer and at 21 yards, I knew this one was coming home for dinner! But I had Buck, or Doe fever and I shot under the deer! WTF! I replayed it in my mind and I figured I had just forgot 1 thing as I set up for the shot. So I sat back down and thought hard about the progression of things to do as I set up for the shot cause if I get another chance, I'm down to 2 arrows at this point.
15 minutes go by and I catch movement out in the clear cut. Another Doe and this one is a big one. I ranged her and she was out 140 yards and absolutely no cover between me and her. I watched her browse for about 15 minutes and figured as long as she keeps eating, I'd have a chance to stalk her cause the wind was blowing staight at me. So I start out across the clear cut, always keeping an eye on her and trying to not make any noise. When she'd pop her head up, I'd freeze until she went back to eating. After 30 minutes, I was within 26 yards of her and I got my chance. As I drew my bow, I went through a mental check of, pin, bubble, peep, shoot! After I shot, she flinched like she was spooked and trotted about 6 steps and started walking away! WTF! I missed again and I got 1 arrow left! Man I suck at this! She went up a little hill and disappeard behind some saplings. (the only trees on the entire clear cut) I seriously thought if I could knock an arrow and shot it through my mouth, I would have. I checked the area she was standind and saw no blood and I followed where she walked off and as I crested the hill, there she was! Laying down behind the saplings! Holy [Bleeeeep!]! I did it! I shot a deer!
I thought I'd just drag her to the truck being I've never field dressed any animal before, but after about 10 yards, I knew I was going to have to figure this [Bleeeeep!] out. Thank God for YouTube videos! 1 hour and 15 minutes later, she was bagged and in my back pack and gonna be the guest of honor at the dinner table!
I know some think that you should only kill bucks, but she ate just fine and I was proud of my accomplishment!
As far as selling all my gear, I upgraded my bow at Christmas and bought 6.5 acres bordering the area I hunted and plan on planting a food plot!