
You're misinterpreting my post, Im not slamming those groups nor do i have a negative outlook on their efforts. My point was that over the last 5-10 years WDFW has reduced opportunity by caving to the tribes wishes to shut down sport fishing on days the tribe nets. The mentioned groups have been advocating for sport fishing opportunity I'm not disputing that. Just saying our opportunity here in the south sound for river fisheries is about all but gone in recent years. It would be awesome if those groups advocating were able to add some opportunity back that we have lost in recent years.

The season closing December 31(to protect ESA Steelhead) and more Sunday-Tuesday/Wednesday closures on puyallup above the white river which makes no sense what-so ever. WDFW gives the rationale as to avoid conflict between tribe and sportfishers. There is no tribal netting above the white on the puyallup river yet that section gets closed now. Previous years it was only closed up to the white river from Sunday-Tuesday/wednesday.

River access is great I'm all for it, a majority of my time is now spent whitewater rafting and kayaking because there just isn't the opportunity locally to chase salmon/steelhead and I dont always feel like driving 2-4 hours to fish with crowds.

Hell lets put a launch on the upper Carbon near S. Prarie Creek, The upper Puyallup near kapowsin creek, im tired of dragging the boat down over rip rap and through the bushes to get it to the river or using a tow strap to drag it up the hill to get it out. Sure would make it easier to take the kids or elderly relatives out for a local float even if we cant put a line in the water.