I'd like to see a straight-up scientific study that really tries to understand whether the SRKW will adapt if their customary salmon stocks continue to decline. I don't know the answer, but it seems reasonable to think about how things would actually play out. Creatures tend to fight to survive and Orcas can swim. They are not locked in PS. If fish elsewhere are more abundant, and it make sense from a calories burned perspective to travel, they may do so. Also, they are killer whales--apex predators. Their cousins in the open ocean eat marine mammals. Do the SRKW have genetically modified teeth or jaws such they they are not able to attack marine mammals or have they just learned over generations that it's better and easier to eat fish (I don't know the answer)? If the latter, is it not possible that hunger would cause some of them to target pinnipeds in PS, as an alternate food-source and/or to reduce the population of a common salmon predator? Perhaps natural selection would favor those in the pods who hunt both fish and marine mammals and over time the SR population would eventually come to feed in a way that more closely resembles that of migratory Orcas.