Originally Posted By: Carcassman
Right now there are a variety of Sacramento Chinook stocks on the way back. So, they are out there feeding.

Right you are Carcassman! Started seriously fishing for salmon in the late 70's off Nor Cal and as you might know being a MC/Olema guy the Sacramento fish would start out in the early season in Monterey and head north from there. The schools of fish would end up off Deep Reef near Half Moon Bay to gorge on anchovies, some sardines and krill. On trips occasionally we would see pods of Orcas but never really put it together with SRKW till recently but it makes sense they're gonna go where the feed is. Regarding those Sacramento stocks they are on the rebound and if all goes well they get a season this year from mid April till early October. John Atkinson of "The New Rayann" out of Sausalito has been instrumental in dropping 1,000,000+ young salmon at Fort Baker near the north tower of the Golden Gate to give those fish a good head start which IMHO is pretty smart! SF Tyee Club used to have a net pen set up on the back side of the Tiburon peninsula too to help those fish get a nice start too! Ever fish that Carcassman? Those fish would lay in a slot before they moved and most were 20-35# range! :-) Sacramento used to hold some large fish along with the San Joaquin river too but pollution from farm runoff did that river in... Nice trip down memory lane tonight!

Edited by OLD FB (04/05/19 09:55 PM)