Ah yeah we had that discussion before CM and if I recall neither of us budged a inch. So my position. Yes in two or three generations minus hatchery and other influences the fish will stabilize and then begin the process developing genetics tuned to that stream. This is where we always differed. That is not preserving a native fish / wild fish but rather starting a evolutionary process to create a native fish. So if you have a stock that is naturally spawning but is the same genetics as the hatchery fish then why now everyplace? Everything has a beginning and end and sooner or later that hatchery will be closed and done. The fish will then start the process of evolution that we are discussing. In streams where hatchery genetics are the same fin or no fin plan and manage for the time the hatchery is gone and do not make it worse. Put our restoration efforts into saving the native runs which survive today. Those are the genetics of a thousand years of evolution and need to survive. Where the dirty deed is done begin to manage and plan to not make it worse but utilize the production for harvest. Same discussion as Bristol and I ain't moved a inch.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in