Originally Posted By: Carcassman
Back in the 90s, I think, WDFW tried to measure the success of Green River Chinokk spawning in the the wild. In the Deschutes. Put up a goodly number of hatchery clipped adults. Got back non-clipped adults. But, the number that came back could be either survivors of the spawning or survivors of the "drops"; those hatchery fish that were not marked.

At the same time, we know that hatcheries have restored wild populations; the White River Springers come to mind.

I do remember way back that some of us bios were wondering if the native PS Chinook were a few Springs and primarily Summers. There is a nagging memory that the Green River stock actually originated in the Green tributary to the Toutle. Records are poor, but those transfers were made, too.

Ah, the White River springer saga. WDFW has dumped a ton of money into bringing that stock back from the brink but to write that the White River springers have recovered is dependent upon one's definition of "recovered."

Not withstanding all of that State expenditure and resulting increase in adult returns exactly what has the State received in terms of harvest opportunity? Nothing.

At least WDFW acknowledged the apparent impropriety of using PSRFE funds for producing White River springers and repaid that account from another pocket.

But still......how does one define recovery?
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)