Here's the summary page and a link to the WDFW staff presentation that will be made tomorrow morning to the Commission on the Puget Sound Chinook Resource Management Plan.

The presentation will start at 10 a.m.

Summary Sheet Meeting dates: January 17-18, 2020

Agenda item: Puget Sound Chinook Resource Management Plan

Presenter(s):Ron Warren, Phil Anderson, Mike Grossmann, Kyle Adicks

Background summary: The co-managers have been working with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) since 2015 to develop a resource management plan (RMP) for Puget Sound salmon fisheries impacting ESA-listed Chinook salmon, and potentially impacting other listed species such as Southern Resident Killer Whales. The RMP addresses the criteria established in Limit 6 of the federal 4(d) rule and, if approved by NMFS, would allow fisheries to proceed under long-term ESA-coverage. The RMP is nearing completion and submission must occur in early 2020 to allow NMFS to complete review prior to the 2021 fishing season. The Commission has delegated to the Director the authority to enter into co-management agreements such as the RMP. This briefing will provide an overview of the conservation and legal environment in which the RMP was developed, summarize the major elements of the RMP, describe the public comment and review process that will likely be conducted by NOAA Fisheries, and review the WDFW communication plan.

Staff recommendation: Not applicable – briefing only.

Policy issue(s) and expected outcome: Not applicable – briefing only.

Fiscal impacts of agency implementation: Not applicable – briefing only.

Public involvement process used and what you learned: WDFW has participated in numerous formal and informal meetings with recreational anglers, commercial fishers, and representatives of multiple organizations. Concerns exist that the RMP will further restrict fisheries and, conversely, that the proposed fishing levels are inconsistent with the conservation and recovery of Puget Sound Chinook salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales. Broad agreement exists that enhanced habitat protection and restoration funding are essential to the future of Puget Sound Chinook and fisheries.

Action requested and/or proposed next steps: Not applicable – briefing only.

Draft motion language: Not applicable – briefing only.

Post decision communications plan: Not applicable – briefing only.