Originally Posted By: RabidAngler
Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
There just aren't that many fvcking stupid people.

The hell there aren't . The average IQ for most people is 85 to 115. That's barely over retarded. Dealing with people in California gives me anxiety. It's like the movie idiocracy.

RabidAngler has a point..

I think the entertaining part is people look up to celebrities, leaders, rich people, presidents as someone on the grand stand. They're just another human being spewing [Bleeeeep!] from their mouths that for the most part learned it elsewhere.. Very few are innovators, very few know of or can find a way that works perfectly AND very few are classified as overly intelligent human beings...

It's just like reading through the dark side, so many on here regurgitate [Bleeeeep!] you've read elsewhere as if it's the bible...

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.