Originally Posted By: Todd
I bet we could solve the teenage pregnancy problem by stopping pregnancy tests.


Just think of how much less breast, prostate, and skin cancer we'd have if we just stopped screening for it? We'd be so much healthier without all those pesky cancer diagnoses.


A couple of years ago I figured that Trump would manage about a 39% approval, because that is literally rock bottom; 39% are so fully stoopid that they'd continue to believe and support Trump, even when everything he says is a preposterous and fantastical lie. We've been sitting around 40% for a while, but it looks like the cream will get scraped off the top of that dungheap, even, and his approval will drop below the magical "everyone below this line is a low grade moron" level.



Fish on...


In case you missed my offer to you. I will give you a chance to get your 100.00 back from the last election. They can't hide that brain dead 78 year old do nothing forever. Let me know Todd, put your money were your mouth (big) is.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.