The system is unraveling very quickly, only stupidity stops you from seeing that...

We are not staying in a fiat system, sound money will back up the system once it changes.

When you are going through a system change everything is devalued because the inflation is removed once you start over. Everything accept the new currency, which starts out with maximum purchasing power against all other assets.

Gold, Silver and even Copper are the best way to hedge yourself against this multi generational event, its the only way to maintain wealth or create wealth during the transition. All other assets against Gold/Silver will decline by 90+%.

Yeah nobody can eat your Gold but its recognized world wide as currency, a hedge against banks and governments, the ultimate black market currency and the future currency of all governments. Its the only thing which will allow you to buy back into the system with advantage after the reset. Will you be able to exchange dollars? Sure but not even close to an even swap, with gold and silver you will get a large premium if you cash it in for paper or digital money, but likely once you spend it its going to get locked in a vault somewhere never to recirculate again because money can be printed against it... That will be its value, (money can be created against it).