I absolutely *hated* my Citori. It wasn't fit properly and never bothered to get it fitted before I sold it.

My advice would be to have it fitted if you get one. That's way too much of a shotgun not too....in hindsight.

I would always over-shoot with the top barrel, visually see/correct where I was shooting and hit the bird with the bottom barrel.

Every damn time.

OTOH, I'm Dead Eye Paker with my 870.

But hey, since it's not my money, get this one:

Browning Citori CXS Over and Under, 20ga, 28". Only $2,000 ish.

That's some 'spensive pheasant(s).


Note: I honestly do not know what I'd buy if I needed a good, light, over/under upland bird gun today. I'd probably be stupid and by some Ferrari-equivalent Italian scatter gun blessed by the Pope himself....and I'd still miss my first damn shot!!!!!

Tule King Paker