This is from Speypages

CND Distributor Announcement

The new distributors for CND Spey USA asked me to put out this press realease concerning them taking over the North American distributorship for CND. Great news for all the CND fans out there!




Team CND is back on track with a new conductor, CND SPEY USA. As the new distributors for CND, we will work hard to earn your trust. We believe in working as a team with our dealers and customers, for without CND dealers and customers - there would be no CND!

We are implementing the following immediately:
1. The name of the new CND distributorship is CND SPEY USA.

2. We are honoring all of the previous distributor’s CND warranty promises, and have been doing so since October. So far we have a 100% success track record for making former CND customers happy future CND customers!

3. The informational website, which will list product information and include links and/or contact information for your dealership is under reconstruction with an expected end of November launch. will be directed to in the next 24 hours. )

4. We will reply to all CND inquiries – phone, fax or e-mail, within 48 hours or sooner, Monday through Saturday. Customer service and satisfaction is JOB 1. CND products are renown for their quality and value. We intend to match that with excellent service.

5. We will maintain a large enough inventory to supply your needs in a timely fashion, and allow for quick warranty service.

Perhaps by now you’re wondering just who ‘we’ are! We are Snake River Outfitters, LLC, d.b.a. CND SPEY USA, owned by Lee and Nancy Davison and located in Rigby, Idaho. For several years our business has provided a guide and trip booking service, a fly casting/fishing school, and an informational website with an online Fly Shop. Lee is a licensed guide with over twenty years of experience on the South and North Forks of the Snake River, a Federation of Flyfishers Certified Casting Instructor, a member of the FFF Guide Board and a Board member of Snake River Cutthroats. Lee has also been a sales representative for Snowbee USA. He holds a degree in Business Management from the University of Texas and has experience as a Project Manager for the Idaho National Laboratory and several large U.S. engineering/construction firms.

CFO (Chief Female Officer) is Lee’s wife, Nancy. Nancy is a novice fly fisher and spey caster, although a very enthusiastic one. She also writes articles, and has most recently had two published in the Federation of Flyfishers Flyfisher magazine. She is overly proud of this and will eagerly share this information with you, with little or no provocation.

A good friend of ours, Bob Wellard, introduced us to Mr. Nobuo Nodera, Managing Director of CND at the recent Denver Flyfishing Retailers Show. We were offered the opportunity to become distributors for CND products for the USA, and were honored by the request. During our discussions/negotiations, it became apparent that first and foremost for Mr. Nodera is his concern for his dealers and customers. He has worked hard to build a good CND reputation and his primary directive for us was to build or rebuild relationships with the current dealers, even before seeking new market opportunities. His goal, and ours, is to create a tight ‘Team CND’. We look forward to a long and profitable-for-all relationship with ‘Team CND’~The Spey Underground.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Tyler and Sandi Kushnir for their friendship and incredible help in getting us into the cast. We would also like to say ‘thank you’ to Aaron Reimer and all of the folks at the Carnation SpeyFair. We truly appreciated your warmth and friendliness in welcoming us into the Spey community.

Best Regards and Tight Lines,

Lee and Nancy Davison

CND Spey USA / Snake River Outfitters /
