Originally Posted By: Salman
The UW is right there to boot.

What does the UW have to do with anything? The UW is not in the hatchery business, nor does it operate an existing hatchery. Been there, done that, wrote the books and have since moved on to other sciences.

Seems to me this would be a state and tribal issue, seeing how they are comanagers in this game?

Originally Posted By: Salman
I think it’s doable and would be a great experiment to see just what it takes to bring the dead to life.

I'm pretty sure this experiment has already been done. Maybe not on every river/slough/waterway that the John Q Public has a fancy for.

You seem to live in a world where you believe that those that manage our aquatic environments and the fish that live in them actually care about what you think or want. Recreational anglers are the very last user group to have a say or stake in any of this.

But hey, keep on truckin', as they say. Don't let me get in the way.
Tule King Paker