Originally Posted By: DCC
Originally Posted By: ondarvr
Recent financial headline.

"Biden stock market outperforming predecessors

President Biden doesn't publicly talk about stock market performance during his time in office, but he's slightly outpacing his more boastful predecessor."

By the previous standard nothing else the previous admin did mattered to trumpdumpsters, money was the Lord and Master and they would worship the AntiChrist for another dollar, now all of the sudden trumpguzzlers don't care about the stock market?

Did they suddenly learn to hate money...or just Biden?



Your recent headline is misinformation or misleading. It’s actually too early to tell whether or not a Biden Stock Market is outperforming predecessors or not. We are only 3 months in on the administration and it does not provide much of a baseline. The S&P 500 and SPY are probably the most accurate indicators of the overall health of the markets. Looking at their performance from the last 3 months compared to the previous months shows that it is only slightly underperformIng with slightly lower trajectory, but it’s hardly a difference.

The Obama and Trump administrations experienced the strongest growth. I would anticipate a Biden administration probably does almost as well, but it appears to be off to a slightly slower start.
