Originally Posted By: Carcassman
At some point the whole issue of "sovereign rights" will have to go to the Supremes. Either the Federal Government is superior or the Tribes are. I know WA considers the Tribes to be superior to the State but don't know how the Feds will deal with who is superior. Right now, it looks like the Feds cave too.

The Feds being multiple agencies which seem to find their path of least resistance being treaties which in so many ways have been altered over time to the benefit of the tribes with no quid pro quo. The most current such situation is an emergent agreement whereby tribes will be able to provide sport betting with approval of the State but no off-reservation sport betting provided by non-tribal organizations. I suspect that if the State would have made an issue of PNP holding up that sport betting issue the objections would have evaporated very quickly.

At some point there will have to be activation of the RESET button.
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It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)