Originally Posted By: Dan S.
Originally Posted By: Streamer
Good. Don’t get too sucked into the squabblings of the darkside or you might suffer the same fate as Coming Soon or Dan S. and become bitter and miserable.


You should quit humping my leg like the little sh!t dog you are because all that gets you is me reminding everyone what a worthless sack of sh!t you are and how worthless your word is.

You got so sucked into the DS squabbling that you gave up your good word to come back and throw sh!t with the other monkeys - and look at you telling someone else to not get sucked in.

Zero self-awareness. No wonder they wouldn't allow you to be a cop.


The great thing is nobody actually cares what you or I say on the darkside. You are still my little b1tch and get all worked up the minute I mention your name. That is living rent free. I get my jollies off every time you post or respond to me and it makes me warm and fuzzy fueling my addiction. I will never stop humping your leg as long as you continue to try to kick me away Danny boy.

With love,

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