Two backcountry Bullwinkles? You guys are insane!

Knowing yours and Coleys passion for floating nearly inaccessible rivers, I'm surprised you didn't do the hunt in boats?

I've had the pleasure of being part of a moose harvest here in WA, and it was a hell of a lotta work. I'm estimating you three packed out about 1,000 lbs or so? Isn't there some old Alaskan adage something to the tune of "Never kill a moose over a mile from a vehicle, and never downhill"? eek

Did you bone them out before the pack out? What packs did you all use and which packs performed the best and worst?

I'm extremely impressed...thanks for the excellent share and write up Steve.

Moose tenderloins are by far the best wild game I've ever eaten...period.
