Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
I've handled thousands of fish, including a few upside down come to think of it. But you're right about me not owning a ski mask.

As for posting photos, I find it to be a PITA, so I seldom do. Although I have a camera, and often even have it with me when fishing, I don't often take a single picture of a fish. I fished for over a week in Montana last month, and didn't take a photo of even one trout. Clearly, I'm not in the demographic market for a Go Pro camera.

Well if you can hold a fish upside down you are 1/3rd of the way there, you just need to get a skimask and a gopro. Check out the offerup app, there are a bunch of gopros for sale on there, you can even get one with a selfie stick. Then you can get your instagram poppin! The great thing about fishing isn't catching fish, it's showing everyone online that you did. If no one sees it, it doesn’t count. Be sure when you catch a fish to hold it out of the water long enough for everyone to see. Take 20 photos of every fish because the first 10 only satisfy Facebook, you need another 10 for Instagram. It is rude if you don’t share your catch. Maybe one day you will post enough fish pics to get on the addicted crew!

I like to take underwater pics with the gopro like this trout I caught in the wild trout section fly only water of Hat Creek using a spinning rod with a split shot and single red bead on a 20 foot leader. There were some old geezer bug tossers already there but I just stepped in below them and started casting. They were yelling at me not to spook the fish, that I was splashing too much and wading where the fish were holding, then they yelled that they were locals and have been fishing this spot for 25 years. Right when I was yelling back "you don't own the river, bruh!" I caught this bad boy right out from under them and then yelled "FISH ON!" Sorry the fish is not upside down but you can just turn your phone upside down to look at it properly. I tried to have those bug tossers take a upside down skimask pic for me but they were so jealous that I caught fish and they didn't that they called me a fat a$$ flatbrimmed fa99ot, stormed off and went back to their truck. So I didn't get my 10 pics for facebook and 10 pics for instagram but at least those bug tossers will talk about my fishing prowess and how I crush fish for years to come. Especially when they find out that I posted the GPS coordinates of the exact rock I was fishing from on my instagram so everyone else can see how good that spot is, pinpoint it with ease and go back day after day.