Sometime in December, fishing Anderson Bar on the Cowlitz I busted my 8-12 Lamiglas. I was hung up and gave a good yank on it and SNAP. Broke about 10 inches in front of the connection. My fishing partner just about fell in the River he was laughing so hard.

I finaly got around to sending it back to Lamiglas to get it repaired/replaced last Tuesday. I didn't send back the butt section, just left it in the back of the Bronco. I then through a 60 pound case of wax on it. Game, Set, Match.

I was hoping that you might be able to cheer me up with some stories of your Stupid Human Tricks. Not the simple slamming it in a door type (unless it involves multiple G-Loomis ) but something really outlandish.

It's good to have friends
It's better to have friends with boats