Got back from Sekiu yesterday! Took my dad and brother in law. The fishing was pretty steady. Got 20 salmon to the boat on Saturday, 1:30pm to 8:00pm, and 33 more on Sunday, 5:30 to noon. Only counted 27 boats at the most. Saw two guys get ticketed for kings, small ones at that, that they kept. Patrol boat stopped us, talked about 5 minutes, then went on their merry way. Make sure you do it the right way, 'cause they're watching.

5 kings, 4 pinks, and the rest silvers. Only kept 1 pink, last fish on Saturday night. No real size to any of the kings, biggest was maybe 7lbs, biggest silver was about 9lbs, but the rest averaged about 6 lbs. They're getting bigger!

Used light steelhead gear to troll plug cuts w/o flashers off of the downriggers and really reduced the number of pinks that we caught. Sunday morning we used 2oz. banana sinkers to troll from 5:30 t 8:00 because it took too much time to set the riggers, and about the time that I was hooking our lines into the release, we already had a fish on. they were hitting right on top. Our first fish of the day was when I had stripped five feet of line off of my reel as the first bait hit the water. Fished the downriggers at 45' after about 8:30am on Sunday and pretty much caught fish at will.

It is a bit of a drive, but the numbers are there to more than make up for it. This weekend was the best water I had seen all year. A little swell, 1 to 2 feet, but almost no wind waves.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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