Can you all keep your eyes open for my hubby? Last seen about two weeks ago around 4:00 AM headed out the door, fishingrod in one hand, chest waders in the other, gleam in his eyes. (This was after being woken several times during the night to him yelling "FISH ON".) If you see him, you will know him on sight. By now he would have a two-week growth of beard, wearing a green flannel shirt (with ketchup stains), most likely has a "unique" aroma about him...possibly flies circling his head, filson hat, wild look in his eyes, and yelling "FISH ON". May be munching on AM/PM food (he may have put on weight, I am not the best cook). I know he is still around somewhere. The fish smoker keeps calling saying more of his fish is ready to pick up. (I swear I have rolled over at night and bumped into him, but come morning the bed is empty and mysteriously there are salmon eggs in the kitchen sink.) So, if you see him out there just tell him his wife is counting down the days until ALL the runs are over. laugh