One thing that I have seen-and I know that this will go over like a lead brick- is to ban outboard motors. I know lots of guys use them here, and they certainly do increase the chances for catching fish. About 15 years ago ALL motors were banned from the Smith River in N. California. The problem was that the water is almost always gin clear, and the fish were spooky. Nothing pi$$ed me off more than fishing an area where fish were holding and having someone scream over the slot with a jet. Talk about game over!! Drift boats are quiet, and they don't disturb the fish-as much. Problem is, you usually only get one shot at the slot before the current takes you on down the river. I have had guys in jets BLAST by me in my drift boat on the Cowlitz way too close , while others slow down and go way around. I guess it all depends on the individual. A quota on the number of boats? Sounds good in a way, but what about all of us poor suckers who have to work all week and can only get out on the weekend? Are we going to be denied the right to fish? I don't think that is too good of an idea. My thoughts are that if we all (wishful thinking) cool exhibit good sportsmanship, this won't be a problem.
Any day spent fishing does NOT count against one's life expectancy!!
Cyberfishing from Korea sux!!