I had a smilar thing happen to me. I took my 8 year old cousin to the Quil this year. Bad thing to do. we got there and there was a guy and his son around 18( a little younger than me) and I ask them if I can fish a with them. They so ok and for about an hour we all fish and hook some fish some legal and some snagged (snagged were released of course) At high tide a good amount of silver came in and we were all fishing when I guy walked right in front of my 8 year old cousin. mad I asked the guy to get out of my cousins way and he ignored me. I asked him again and he ignored me all he did was look down at my cousin and flinch like he was going to hit him. my cousin ran up river and was so scared that we had to leave. I didn't say anything more to that guy because he was about 6'2" and 250lbs.
Later on in the year I saw the same father and son as I fished with that day and they told me that about 1/2 hour after I left the game officer came down and wrote him a ticket for snagging and 3 snag fish kept. Well, I guess he got hell over all. laugh
thanks I just had to vent.