Two WSU graduates were at work digging a ditch. There was a UW underclassman supervising the job.

One Coug says to the other: "Hey Jed, how's come we're down here doing all the work and that dude just has to watch us?"

Other Coug says: "I don't know Clem, why don't you ask him?"

Clem climbs out of the ditch and asks the Dawg: "Excuse me Sir, how's come we're doin' all the work and all youse gotta do is watch?"

Dawg says: "Come on over here, I'll show you."

He proceeds to the side of a building, holds his hand next to the wall and says to the curious Coug: "Hit my hand as hard as you can."

Clem winds up and let's fly, but the Dawg pulls his hand away at the last minute, allowing Clem's clenched fist to smash against the concrete wall.

Feeling enlightened, but somewhat embarrassed, Clem climbs back into the ditch, where Jed asks: "So wha'd you find out?"

Clem says: "I'll show you."

He then puts his hand in front of his face and says: "Hit my hand as hard as you can."


Go Dawgs!

Tule King Paker