You guys are bringing back some memories for me, though I'm not sure if they're good, bad, or just funny.

The frozen anchor rope and Herman Munster felt soled boots are classics.

I remember having to get out and push the boat over a shallow spot on the Snoqualmie when slush had build up so deep on the bottom that the boat got stuck in it. Anyone ever heard of that?

I also had a doozy while ice fishing at Fish Lake when I was in junior high. The area had experienced an Indian summer, melting lots of ice on top, which then refroze, leaving a layer of about eight inches of water between the ice layers.

Not good.

I'd fallen through so many times that on the way back in I lost a boot and was hiking in my sock. My dad noticed and I had to run back twenty or thirty feet to get my boot out of the hole it was in... I didn't even notice it was gone. Now that's cold feet.

Not a cold story, but a rainy one. Float tube flyfishing for trout with a friend of mine on a local pond. It was raining so hard that the splases from the rain drops were bouncing up and soaking my face to the point that I couldn't see to fish. I've never seen rain that hard in my life.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle