I agree with mooch. You can't beat a 35mm and a scanner. You always want that original hardcopy print. From that point you can do whatever you like and never have to worry about losing the image and if you do you still have the negatives. I have a $10 35mm and an $80 scanner and i have yet to be dissapointed by the quality of the pictures. I used my mothers fancy digital one day and happen to hook my first king in my new boat. To bad the pictures SUCKED!!! If you know what pixilation is, then expect it in a digital picture if the megapixils are under 3Megs. Do you wanna risk that picture of your trophy fish? Plus digital pictures don't resize or zoom worth a crap. Your clarity or resolution is limited by how much you spend on the camera, but a standard camera is only limited by the film you buy. Remember, you can scan at almost any resolution but a digital picture is set at that resolution for good, no matter how much you doctor the picture. Don't make a mistake.

Occupation: I pet the fish.