Right on, Ryan! This bill isn't based on science, therefore, just what is it based on?

Many wild runs are depressed in Hood Canal due to overfishing with the co-mingled hatchery stocks. How many "wild" fall chinook actually ascend the Skokomish? Those wild spawners are predominately hatchery strays, because the wild fish have been over-harvested. It is impossible for wild runs to thrive when they are subjected to hatchery harvest rates. Hood Canal fisheries management is changing with respect to protecting wild runs, and given enough protection, they will bounce back to whatever the remaining productive capacity of the habitat it. Minus the inevitable losses due to MSY/MSH, however.

I only support legislation or initiatives when the WDFW won't bend to the task of doing its job of resource stewardship. The state has become increasingly responsive, due in part to the ESA listings. But progress is progress. I'd give 'em a while longer before having the legislature manage fisheries. The legislature is totally lacking in competence for such matters. And for most other matters, as well, unfortunately. Sorry for editorializing, but my experience with legislators is that they are dumber than a box of rocks about many of the issues they make laws about.


Salmo g.