I have always wanted to try a Fenwick FS 83 C for pulling plugs and bait divers for Steelhead and Silvers. I was in Hill Creek Outdoors in Castle Rock the other day and noticed one for sale. After reading this thread I got curious and called Fenwick's toll free number. They confirmed the FS 83 C has been discontinued. I called Ted's to see if they had any. They were out of them. They wanted 10 bucks more than Hill Creek for the models they did have in stock. At less than 70 % of manufactures suggested retail I talked myself into buying it. Anyway, thanks for bringing Fenwicks up and talking me into getting one. Hopefully the softness of the tip will increase the hook up ratio and shows how my plug is working better than my current rod, outweighing any mushy fish fighting tendencies.
I'm not connected to Hill creek in any way, but I got to give them a plug. They are nice people to deal with. It is really a Stihl saw shop. They started selling some fishing tackle a couple years ago. Just stuff local people use and need for the type of fishing there is around here. They don't have a lot of inventory or even knowledge, really, but that lady LOVES her tackle and is excited about having it in the store. They are happy to have you in there, and every thing is priced reseasonably. I hope they make it.