No Im not saying not to fish. Whats the point of stopping fishing. Im tired of it all. Its all gonna be gone someday if things dont change.

When are poeple gonna realize that you cant take 50% or a run year after year and keep screwing up the river habitat. The fish are gonna disapear eventually.

I had no idea what kind of shape our rivers were really in before I made a trip to Alaska last fall. It was awsome to see a complete system working the it was designed too.

The fish up there have way harsher conditions to deal with but yet they thrive in huge numbers.

The rivers down here have way milder conditions better cover and can produce 12 months out of the year compared to Alaskas 6 months but yet we have far fewer fish.

The state says the Op rivers like the Quileute are produceing as much as they can and that there are excess fish.

I fished a river that is the size of the Dungeness but shorter. It ran through tundra and had no cover. It was full from bank to bank with Steelhead, Dollies, Coho and Sockey. It had more fish in it during the time that I was there than the Quileute system gets in an entire year.

You cant tell me that our rivers are produceing as much as they can. They have so much potential that they are not given a chance to show because of all the greed.

That is why things will never change because people are greedy.