
Strait from STS December-Janyary Issue:

Stray Fish: A stray fish Returnes to spawn in a different river than he or she was relased in, or hatched from. Most rivers contain a certian ammount of strays in their runs, but the percentage ofstrays stays low.

So I would say it would be a native stray. confused

I also have a question. The river I fish dosent clip that many hatchery fish. You can see all of the non-clipped fish in the hatchery pond. I know you can tell these apart from hatchery fish by looking to see if theyre fin rays are crooked, but do you still have to treat them as wild fish or can you keep them?

Also is there any way to tell a true nate from a wild fish?

All Americans believe that they are born Fishermen. For a man to admit a distaste for fishing would be like denouncing mother-love and hating moonlight. -John Steinbeck